  • Students are responsible for bringing their laptops, fully charged, to school each day.
  • 笔记本电脑必须在老师的指导下在教室里使用.
  • 笔记本电脑和电池被分配给个别学生. The laptops and batteries should be in the student’s possession or secured properly 在任何时候. Students should never “swap” or “share” their computers or batteries with another student.
  • 学生绝不能与其他同学分享自己的密码. 密码必须永远保密. Students are responsible for saving or backing up their documents to the server, 电脑硬盘驱动器, 或者便携式闪存盘. 
  • Students participating in activities that are not conducive to using their laptops (i.e.、实地考察、装配等.), are required to leave the laptops in their 储物柜 or other designated secure location.

1)没有给笔记本电脑充电或2)忘记把笔记本电脑带到学校的学生可以从我们的技术办公室借来一台笔记本电脑. 但是,他们将被处以违规处罚. Students with three infractions in the same month will be eligible for discipline (see below). 也, 任何借出笔记本电脑的学生必须在当天下午3:05之前归还设备,否则将再次违规. 这意味着,如果学生借了笔记本电脑,但当天没有归还,将被处以两次违规处分.






The costs to replace miscellaneous parts that are damaged by the user, 遗失或被盗:这些费用将记入您的事实账户.


●Chromebook: 340美元.00 




●Stylus Pen: 15美元.00






1:1 Chromebook程序使用条款






Students and their families will be responsible for any cost incurred due to lost, 偷来的, 或损坏的设备和配件.  学生是负责任的, 在任何时候, 正确使用提供给他/她的网络和设备. 


  • 只要他或她是AHS的学生,就可以保留谷歌帐户
  • 可以使用互联网研究指定的课堂项目;
  • May use the internet to send e-mails and access Google classroom and other classroom sites;
  • 同意保护自己的密码;
  • 同意他或她通过美国AHS网络获得的任何通信和信息均不被视为私人或机密.  威廉希尔中文保留访问所有用户帐户的权利, 在任何时候, 包括学生的电子邮件帐户.


  • The Chromebook is an educational tool and should only be used in accordance with 安德里安高中.  一次发布, 学生及其同意的家长或监护人在任何时候都对Chromebook及其配件负责.
  • AHS is not responsible for Chromebooks assigned to students that have been left in the classroom, 走廊, 储物柜, 或者更衣室;
  • The student is the only authorized user of his/her assigned Chromebook.  不要交易或共享电脑;
  • 不要移除AHS应用的标签、标签或其他标识符;
  • Chromebooks must be brought to school daily, fully charged, and with the power cord and stylus pen;
  • chromebook是安德鲁高中的财产.  如果你退出或离开AHS, 您必须立即退还Chromebook,否则您的事实帐户将被收取设备和配件的全部金额. 


  • 在平坦、稳定的表面上使用Chromebook.
  • 切勿使用液体清洁剂(如Windex)清洁屏幕.  相反,使用干燥,柔软的无绒布. You can also use packaged pre-moistened cleaning tissues designed for electronics.
  • Do not mark the Chromebook in any way with markers, stickers, or other damaging materials.
  • 把所有食物和饮料从Chromebook上拿开.
  • 避免在Chromebook的顶部放置或掉落重物.
  • Chromebook lids should always be closed and tightly secured when moving. 不要在屏幕打开时携带你的Chromebook. 
  • 不要把你的Chromebook放在屏幕上或设备的角落.
  • Chromebook的屏幕很容易损坏! The screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure on the screen. 
  • 在合上键盘盖之前,不要在键盘上放任何东西. 
  • The port on the power adapter is fragile – insert and remove with care every time. 


  • 如果你把Chromebook放在背包里, 避免背包里有尖锐的物品放在Chromebook周围, and avoid throwing away your backpack or leaving it in places where it can be accidentally kicked. 
  • 将所有食物和饮料远离Chromebook. 
  • 不要把Chromebook放在汽车里. Computers cannot tolerate extreme heat or cold and may become damaged. 
  • 如果不能每天带Chromebook去上课,将导致无法参与课堂作业, 家庭作业, 和项目. 


  • 威廉希尔中文不提供家庭上网服务.  
  • AHS内容过滤器不适用于家庭设置,家长/监护人承担监督孩子互联网使用的全部责任. 由于家长/监护人未能正确监督学生使用电脑或移动设备而导致学生进入不适当的互联网网站或不当使用电脑或移动设备,AHS概不负责. 
  • 如果学生返回学校没有指定的Chromebook, the parent/guardian will be contacted immediately and agrees to bring the Chromebook to school. 
  • 在学生参加1:1 Chromebook课程期间,更换或修理Chromebook和任何提供的配件的费用由家长/监护人全权负责.



如果Chromebook被盗或丢失, 学生的家长/监护人应在设备被盗或被盗后二十四(24)小时内通知威廉希尔中文技术部. 如果丢失的Chromebook在丢失之日起五(5)个工作日内未被找回, the parent/guardian shall be responsible for the computer’s or mobile device’s replacement.



禁止不正当使用AHS网络. 构成不可接受的使用AHS网络的行为,在本政策的其他地方没有具体解决,包括, 但不限于: 

  • 使用AHS网络用于或支持任何非法目的. 
  • 使用AHS网络用于, 或者支持, 任何淫亵或色情目的,包括, 但不限于, 检索或观看任何露骨的色情材料. 如果学生授权用户无意中访问了这些信息, 他或她应该立即向老师或校长透露无意的接触. This will protect the user against allegations of intentionally violating this policy. 
  •  使用AHS网络征求或传播信息,意图煽动暴力, cause personal harm or bodily injury or harass or “stalk” another individual. 
  • 使用互联网工具,如讨论板, 聊天室, 以及用于个人而非教育目的的即时通讯. 
  • 使用亵渎, 淫秽, or language that is generally considered offensive or threatening to persons of a particular race, 性别, 宗教, 性取向, 或者对残疾人. 
  • 抄袭任何信息获得或通过使用AHS网络或任何其他网络接入提供商. 
  • 使用受版权保护的材料, 包括商业软件, 未经著作权人许可, 而且违反了国家的规定, 联邦, 或者国际版权法. (If students are unsure whether or not they are using materials in violation of copyright provisions, they should ask their teachers or a school technology coordinator for assistance. 如果校本人员对通过AHS网络找到的版权材料的使用有疑问,鼓励他们与技术办公室联系.)




技术费的目的是获取, install and maintain up-to-date and emerging technologies to enhance student-learning outcomes. 所有的硬件, 软件, and databases procured with these revenues are to support student learning experiences.


Examples of technology tuition fee usage include, but is not limited to:

  • 智能教室 
  • Our 5 computer labs on campus/  1:1 technology (Chromebook and accessories)
  • 员工培训,技术支持 
  • Renweb和Google访问
  • 接入宽带互联网和电信服务


No. 这台电脑是学校的. 参加这个项目的学生将得到一台电脑,他们将在课堂上使用它进行指导. 不仅仅是记笔记, the use of the computer is incorporated into all aspects of the class: classwork, 家庭作业, & 评估. 学生培养21世纪技能, 与世界各地的学生合作. 



今天, we understand that digital spaces are social spaces; thus, 今天,技术的密集使用者是非常社会化的. 在未来, students will interact socially and professionally in ways that are difficult to imagine. 在这个节目中, 学生有机会在有监督的常规学校作业的背景下练习数字社交技能. Habits acquired in this environment are translatable to future social and professional situations. 



Students receive on-site, real-time tech support at 安德里安高中.  If the technology department can't immediately fix the student's computer, 我们会借给他们一台笔记本电脑. 此外, 事实上,技术支持是基于学校的, 你的儿子或女儿承担起解决问题的责任, 在这个过程中变得更加自信和独立. 



A Chromebook computer, AC adapter/power supply, stylus pen, and on-site tech support. 



通过Andrean高中购买的电脑都有制造商的保修单,包括由于制造商的缺陷而导致的任何硬件相关问题. The AHS Technology Department will coordinate hardware repairs with the manufacturer. While the machine is being repaired, the student will be given a replacement computer. 



学生及家长应自行承担遗失物品的风险, 偷来的, 或因意外事故损坏电脑或配件, 忽视, 或疏忽,从学生收到电脑之日起,直到电脑归还给威廉希尔中文, 并应向威廉希尔中文承担更换费用及由此造成的其他损失, 盗窃, 或因意外事故造成的损害, 安德里安高中强烈建议家长们在自己的个人房主或租户政策上为电脑投保, 如果有必要的话, 为了支付这些费用. 修理电脑的意外损坏-掉落, 洒在, 被电涌击中, 等. (what is referred to as "end-user damage") - will not be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. 


The costs to replace miscellaneous parts that are damaged by the user, 遗失或被盗:这些费用将记入您的事实账户.


●Chromebook: 340美元.00 




●Stylus Pen: 15美元.00




如果修复与软件相关, the computer will be restored to its original 软件 configuration free of charge.

不允许对计算机进行硬件升级或修改. 这台电脑需要修改吗, 这些修改将成为威廉希尔中文的财产. 威廉希尔中文有权在我们认为适当和必要的时候将电脑恢复到原来的状态. 在本地驱动器上加载的任何内容都将被删除. 学生负责将文件备份到学生提供的USB闪存驱动器或外部硬盘驱动器中.


Just to make sure, if there is a problem that is due to a manufacturing defect, do I have to pay?


If I drop the unit and crack the screen or spill water on it, do I have to pay? All end-user damage and accidental damage are 100% the responsibility of the family.



We will be introducing e-text, digital resources, and an online curriculum throughout the year. 一些课程也会使用电脑课本.



我们不提倡为技术而使用技术. 计算机提供了自发的, 通过网络研究主动学习, 数据收集和分析, 和协作. 在课堂上使用电脑将取决于所教课程的内容领域和技术的适当性. It is expected that the type and frequency of use will vary according to the curriculum. 学生还将利用计算机随时随地的学习能力,以及在课堂环境之外使用它.



是的. 电脑是供学生在学校和家里使用的. 所有数据和个人软件由学生负责. 



The computer has a primary battery that has an expected life of 7-9 hours. 学生们被要求每天晚上给电脑插上电源,这样他们就能在第二天上学时充满电.



Q: Can you help me set up my home printer, wireless, network connection, 等.? 

答:没有. We cannot be responsible for supporting any devices or networks outside of the school. 你可以打电话给当地的收费服务技术支持公司,比如极客小组,寻求家庭技术服务方面的帮助.


Q: What happens to my child’s files if something happens to the computer or hard drive, for example? 



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